Dealing with Depression
For those who suffer with depression, it is a debilitating condition from which there can appear to be no hope. It is often closely linked with a lack of self esteem, but not always. So where does depression come from? and is there a way to overcome this tragic invasion of life? How can I turn my depression into something positive that will help me to overcome the way I feel?
Understanding Depression
Let us start by saying that depression isn't a part of who you are. Depression usually comes with a feeling of emptiness, of there being no hope, nowhere to go and no way out. It is a condition that has somehow attached itself to you to make you feel the way you do. You were not born with depression, so somehow it has become a part of your life through circumstances you have faced, or perhaps low self esteem. Whatever the trigger was, depression attached itself to you, but I will repeat, it is not who you are or even a part of you. It is like an attachment that needs to be got rid of, and yes, as much as it will make you feel like it's there to stay, it can be overcome. It is important to understand this because it gives you hope.
Using Depression as a Tool
Although understanding depression is difficult, use it to ask the question "why do I feel like this? What is it that has happened to make me feel this way?" The answer may not just suddenly appear, but it's a start on the journey of recovery. Analyse your feelings, don't be afraid to dig. You should probably also be asking yourself how far you are prepared to go to overcome depression.
Finding the Answer
The key to overcoming depression lies in the very way you feel, the emptiness within. Mankind was never designed to be empty within and never designed to be depressed. So if there's not supposed to be emptiness within, what should be there and how can it make a difference?
The simple answer is that we were created by God, and His love for us is demonstrated by the fact that He sent Jesus Christ to show us who He is and to pay the price for our sin by His death on the cross. So why did God create us? He created us to be a part of His family, for fellowship and company. Let me say this, there is no depression in the company of God! The emptiness that is felt within is the place where God will dwell in your life once you choose to follow Him. Emptiness is replaced by love joy and peace, depression no longer has a place to dwell but must give way to Him who has overcome.
Now I know that there are Christians who suffer from depression, but depression is like an unwelcome guest in the house. If you do nothing about it, the guest remains, freeloading off you and making life a misery. This is in direct contrast to the life that God intended for you, so it is up to you to seek God desperately if need be, to find your answer. Your answer is Jesus, but you need to find Him in a personal way that allows you to overcome.
Finding Jesus
Jesus is our God given answer. He was in the beginning with God and He was God (John 1:1). He was known in the beginning as the Word of God, and as the Word of God He is the Promise of God. When you come to the point in your life when you are prepared to just completely hand your life over to God regardless of the consequences, you are in a good place. It is then that you can ask Jesus to come into your life and to show you the way. You may or may not feel anything right at that time, but if you were sincere (God knows your heart), He will respond to you and the plan that He has for your life, a plan to do you good and to give you a future, will begin to take place.
The journey ahead may not necessarily be an easy one, but it is full of hope and expectation, God in you will give you a sense of purpose which depression never allowed you to have. A new beginning, a new life, one which you can enjoy, which puts a song in your heart and the expectation of an eternity spent with Him, the One who loves you!
If you need help on your journey, ask God to give you someone to help you. He did that for me. Please feel free to contact me if you feel that I can help, by going to the Contact page and sending me a message. It would be my pleasure to pray for you and help in any way I can.
Understanding Depression
Let us start by saying that depression isn't a part of who you are. Depression usually comes with a feeling of emptiness, of there being no hope, nowhere to go and no way out. It is a condition that has somehow attached itself to you to make you feel the way you do. You were not born with depression, so somehow it has become a part of your life through circumstances you have faced, or perhaps low self esteem. Whatever the trigger was, depression attached itself to you, but I will repeat, it is not who you are or even a part of you. It is like an attachment that needs to be got rid of, and yes, as much as it will make you feel like it's there to stay, it can be overcome. It is important to understand this because it gives you hope.
Using Depression as a Tool
Although understanding depression is difficult, use it to ask the question "why do I feel like this? What is it that has happened to make me feel this way?" The answer may not just suddenly appear, but it's a start on the journey of recovery. Analyse your feelings, don't be afraid to dig. You should probably also be asking yourself how far you are prepared to go to overcome depression.
Finding the Answer
The key to overcoming depression lies in the very way you feel, the emptiness within. Mankind was never designed to be empty within and never designed to be depressed. So if there's not supposed to be emptiness within, what should be there and how can it make a difference?
The simple answer is that we were created by God, and His love for us is demonstrated by the fact that He sent Jesus Christ to show us who He is and to pay the price for our sin by His death on the cross. So why did God create us? He created us to be a part of His family, for fellowship and company. Let me say this, there is no depression in the company of God! The emptiness that is felt within is the place where God will dwell in your life once you choose to follow Him. Emptiness is replaced by love joy and peace, depression no longer has a place to dwell but must give way to Him who has overcome.
Now I know that there are Christians who suffer from depression, but depression is like an unwelcome guest in the house. If you do nothing about it, the guest remains, freeloading off you and making life a misery. This is in direct contrast to the life that God intended for you, so it is up to you to seek God desperately if need be, to find your answer. Your answer is Jesus, but you need to find Him in a personal way that allows you to overcome.
Finding Jesus
Jesus is our God given answer. He was in the beginning with God and He was God (John 1:1). He was known in the beginning as the Word of God, and as the Word of God He is the Promise of God. When you come to the point in your life when you are prepared to just completely hand your life over to God regardless of the consequences, you are in a good place. It is then that you can ask Jesus to come into your life and to show you the way. You may or may not feel anything right at that time, but if you were sincere (God knows your heart), He will respond to you and the plan that He has for your life, a plan to do you good and to give you a future, will begin to take place.
The journey ahead may not necessarily be an easy one, but it is full of hope and expectation, God in you will give you a sense of purpose which depression never allowed you to have. A new beginning, a new life, one which you can enjoy, which puts a song in your heart and the expectation of an eternity spent with Him, the One who loves you!
If you need help on your journey, ask God to give you someone to help you. He did that for me. Please feel free to contact me if you feel that I can help, by going to the Contact page and sending me a message. It would be my pleasure to pray for you and help in any way I can.