When babies die
When Babies Die is a sensitive subject and perhaps one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Christian faith. It has been on my heart for some time now to write on this subject and I approach it hoping that I can do it justice.
1Chronicles 16:34 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!
God is good! His incredible mercy and love for us is evident in that while we were still sinners, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that we may know His forgiveness, and also have fellowship with Him. Jesus should never have had to go to the cross, it should have been each of us, but He suffered so that we didn't have to, so that we could be made one with God.
A Common Misconception
Probably the most common misconception regarding babies is that God would not reject an innocent baby when he/she dies. God is love and is merciful, so He would not reject an innocent child! Yes, the baby may be innocent, but sin is not necessarily about doing wrong. We are born into a state of sin, in other words, separated from God. Through the sin of Adam and Eve mankind became separated from God making it necessary to come to Jesus as the only way back into that fellowship with Him. So yes, the "innocent" baby is in a state of sin and therefore separated from God. So what hope is there for that baby?
The truth is that yes, God is love and merciful, but He has placed in our hands the responsibility of what happens to a child whether alive or dead. God's love has provided the extreme sacrifice of Jesus in order that NONE will have to perish.
God's Provision
Through the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind became separated from God. In other words, because of the actions of the parents, the children suffered also. It became necessary for Israel to go through the rituals of animal sacrifice to appease God for their sin.
However, God provided His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that if we believe in and follow Him, we will have eternal life.
If we choose Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, then we are restored to God and our family is covered. Let's examine some Scripture that will help clarify this.
1Co 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; else your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.
This Scripture points out clearly, that our children would be unclean if neither parent was a believer, however, if one parent is a believer, then the child is holy.
So what is the difference between an unclean child and a holy child. Simply this, that which is unclean cannot enter into the presence of God.
Our Responsibility
Just as Adam and Eve bore the responsibility of their children being separated from God, so also do we bear that responsibility should we choose to reject Jesus. The good news is, if we accept Jesus and follow Him, then our children are protected also.
The equation is simple. God gave us a choice. If we reject Him, not only do we suffer, but so also do our children.
If on the other hand we embrace God through Jesus Christ, we have the promise of eternal life and so do our children. Of course our children will grow up and one day make the decision for themselves as to whether or not they want to live for God. At that point they take the responsibility for themselves and their children to come, exactly as we their parents have done.
Consequences of Rejecting God
Should we choose to reject Jesus Christ, we also reject God. The consequences of such a decision are on our own hands. To live a life without God means to live a life that probably has no clear direction. It means living with an emptiness that tells us that there must be more to life. It means that when we die, our funeral is one of sadness because we have no hope of eternal life. It also means that we are responsible for the fate of our children should they die.
Consequences of Living for God
Living for God is what man was made for. With God we have the love, joy and peace that comes from knowing Him. We have a sense of purpose in life and our direction, although not always clear, is in the hands of Him who loves us and desires good for us. When we die, our funeral is a time of rejoicing because we have the assurance of eternal life. It also means that, should our baby die, we have the assurance of their acceptance by God.
A Personal Experience
My first born son was stillborn. We called him Timothy because even though he had no life on earth, we knew that he had life with God. We felt seriously grieved at the loss of this expected child, but we chose to give thanks to God for that stillborn baby, and committed him to His care. As we gave thanks to God that this baby was in His care, the presence of God filled our hospital room so much that we felt an unexplainable mixture of love and joy with our tears. The joy of the Lord filled our hearts so much that it was obviously evident to the hospital staff.
It was normal in those days for a mum to be kept in hospital for about a week if they suffered a stillborn baby, but God was our strength and we were released from hospital withing 24 hours.
We had three more children after that, but the experience of that time of loss is an incredible memory. I cannot adequately explain the amazing love and joy that penetrated our suffering and caused our mourning to become joy.
I praise God with all of my heart that because we believed in Him, that child is with Him today and I believe that one day we will meet.
I do not even want to think about how different that story would have been had we not believed. There would have been no consolation for our loss and it would remain a painful memory.
For the sake of your children, and for your own sake I cannot encourage you enough to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour if you have not already done so. You alone bear the responsibility of the consequences of your decision, one way or the other. God is love and has chosen to give you eternal life and to make that available to your children also. This is way better than any insurance policy, but like an insurance policy, it is your choice as to whether you accept it or not.
I believe God wants people to be informed so that they can make informed decisions. I believe that that is why He wanted me to post this teaching.
If you do not know how to make things right with God, please follow this link.
I pray that you will make the right choice if you have not already done so.